Last updated on Friday, August 10 2001. If you'd like an entry on this page, and I don't already know about it, get in touch. [e-mail]
www.seldo.com You know the guy, you know his pink glittery T-shirt. Anyway, enough of that: what you might not know is that his website is splendid, being all the things - and more - that mine would be if I could actually program something. Apart from BASIC, my old MSX, and extremely rudimentary HTML that is, computer-language fans. Updated roughly: every day, as far as I can make out. Go there now!
www.wabson.org.uk Yes, embarrassing photo central. Actually, most of them are good, except for the ones (grr) featuring me. Special note goes out to the photo in which all the drinks appear bigger than people's heads - even Danny's - and the one in which I appear to be looking down Becky's top. I'm innocent, guv, etc. Boost Will's hit counter (as it were) by running there like tiny chipmunks right now.
www.anders.hoij.com Housemate Anders has rather an exciting website, which I didn't know about but rather puts my graphical and technical capabilites to shame. Again. Curses. Whatever, Anders would appreciate you step in the following direction.
Want your website added to this burgeoning list? [e-mail me posthaste]