Things could be a bit messed up. We've started to mistake reproduction for creativity, thievery for adaptation. We jump on bandwagons, we express opinions where we have none. We push for extremes for fear of middle-of-the-road. We lose sight of our direction. We get stuck in loops, go round in circles, look to our past for inspiration when it's those past mistakes that have put us where we are today. We're lost.
Money can't buy it. I want every kind of thing money can buy. I read about celebrities because I think their lives are somehow more exciting than my own. I fail to see that in doing so I lose some of the excitement from my life, some of the autonomy, some of the creativity. Looking to others for ideas is only useful as a comparison. I always come off worse from that comparison.
I don't want a job that sucks me dry. I don't want politics, I hate political. I don't understand admin. It bores me. I don't understand why people would find the process of doing something more interesting than doing it. Yet still we pile on the administrative, the clerical, the organisation, until the people, the things, that are being organised get lost along the way. We get lost in the system. We get lost in the procedure.
All I'm looking for is honesty, for geniune. I want you to be who you want, not what you think you should be or what cause you think you should represent. I'm not interested in pushing for any greater good. There is no greater good because that's external and everything we are is here. This is it. This is all we are. We are all we are.
Our weaknesses are our strengths. They say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but that's bullshit. What doesn't kill you makes you a little bit more afraid, a little bit more alone. Our experiences need to be shared, we need to share them. Only by talking will we get through this. We need to get through this, together.
We look to the sky for inspiration, for hope. We look upwards. We need to look inwards, towards each other, towards ourselves. The things we create are as much part of ourselves as an arm, as a leg. They represent us where we cannot.
I lost an arm. I got stuck in routine. I admit it now, but it's gonna take me a while to rebuild myself, to get my arm back, to grow again. You can lose sight of where you're going, of where you've been. And you've been further than you think. You've come a long way.
You've grown. You're sorry for the things you've done, but you had a laugh, and you know people better now than you did all those months ago. You love them. Without them, you'd be alone, you'd be scared. Looking to others is only useful as a comparison. We need others to define ourself. We need others to define ourselves.
I love more than I can express. I try to find the words, but there are none. I don't know how I got here, but it's all true and that makes me feel more than I know what to do with. It's like your veins are pushing outwards, like shoots, and they keep pushing against your skin and bursting, a million starlit sparks flashing in unison. It's pretty amazing. It's pretty scary.
Because those moments, those photographs you keep in your head and replay endlessly, are yours forever. Keep them safe, keep them warm. You had a laugh. Things aren't getting worse. They're just getting more. You've had more time, you've had more chances. You used that time wisely, you pissed it away. Whatever, you used it. You had it. Without it, you wouldn't be the person you are today and, whatever you may say, you are who you are today. This is it. This is you. We are all we are.
Keep going, though. You've always got more time, there's always more time until the end. You have dreams, you keep them safe in the attic with your memories. You know what they are. It doesn't matter what they are, they're yours, you can do what you want with them. Use them, explore them, push them around until they change and alter and take new shapes. Your past and your future are the two most important things to you. They're yours. Use them. Please, it's important.
It's so important. You're so important. Without you, none of this exists. It disappears, it slips backwards, it crackles together like the picture fading on the tv set. It's you and you alone that can make this work, and we're gonna get through this. We're so nearly there, we don't know it, but we are. Together we can make this work. Please believe it. Please take my hand, please believe that I exist, and together we'll get away from here, into the light, into tomorrow. There's always tomorrow. It's a beautiful day. Tomorrow's another just like it.