Check back to this page every Monday for more "hilarious!" quotage





"I know blue."

Matt on his indepth knowlege of colour.



"I love my hole."

James, but we can't remember why and in relation to what, which is kinda worrying.


"It looks like a spaceship!"

Danny, on Andy's phone handset


"Car! Road! Car! Road!"

The Highway Code, Kim Tate-stylee





"Look at Kim's eyebrows!"

Ill-advised drunken comment of the night #001, Mr Dale Mitchell


"I expect a full apology, Mr Matt."

Oops. We're really sorry that we published your lovelife for all to see, Becky... ;)x

"You're soooo smutty!"

James, who by this stage of the evening wasn't drunk, or suggestive, or smutty, at all. Oh no.


Quot-o-rama! #2

The best things to spew out of mouths this week, besides Tony's red vomit View previous week's spewage

"Insensitive bastard!"

Tony about Tony. It was about you, you liar!

"I need cake."


"Look, they all slide down on teatrays!"

Dale's expert analysis of everyone's favourite Winter Olympics sport, the sliding-down-on-teatrays-athalon.