.bad things 6

Envy is a terrible, terrible thing. It can be responsible for warping the minds of men and turning their souls to the dark side. Oh well. Here is a fairly short rant about how people with style ruin lives, brought to you by Mr. Chris Keates. Short but sweet, as they say. Oh, and the article too.

.people with style

How do they do it?

I really, really envy people with style. And I mean really. How do they manage, at 6pm after a busy day, to look as if they have just stepped off of the Paris catwalk? God knows that the best I can possibly hope to manage by the end of the day is to look like I've just slept in my clothes underneath the Paris catwalk. Despite my best efforts, I generally seem to begin the day looking like a walking clotheshorse, and then gradually progress to something resembling a rotary clothesline on a windy day, and finally to looking (and feeling) like a scarecrow who's just been gang-raped by a band of passing tramps. I think I can say with certainty, that I could make even a creation by Armani or Gucci look like a family of bears have camped in it for a fortnight after just five minutes wear. Guess I'd better just accept that, if you either got it or you ain't; I definitely fall into the latter category. Anyway, I'm in danger of being mistaken for a bundle of old clothes by the man from Oxfam if I sit still for too long.
Anyone know a good tailor?

(And on a side note, "Know a good tailor?" is what Peter Sellers once said, as he stood at the door of his friend's apartment smoking a pipe and wearing nothing but a pair of socks. True story. - Dep Ed)

By Chris Keates, currently working in a workshop (obviously) in his garage, building very small scale models of wardrobes, gliders and bowls of fruit.