.credits Version 2.0 (August 2001)


Matt Elton's love of Calvin of Calvin and Hobbes fame is probably matched only by his prelidiction for

orange Soleros and arty cafes in Bath. When not burbling on about stuff he might be adding

to the site, Matt also teaches piano, sits in arty areas of Bristol, and has occasional random

and very infrequent jobs.


Ian Wise, despite still being at skool and therefore doing more work than anyone should ever

be expected to do ever, is a stalwart contributor to the site and forum, and as such has been

christened Vice Editor (although quite what Vice he edits out is unknown to me). When not

playing computer games excitedly, Ian flies gliders into hills and hits people with paint.



Created/compiled using Dreamweaver 4.0, Photopaint 7.0, Microsoft Paint (no really)

Typeface This site uses an edited version of SFTechnodelight by www.shyfonts.com

Forum Hosting provided by www.ezboard.com

Hit Counters by bravenet.com

Tech Support Ian Wise



All content ©2001 Matt Elton and Ian Wise [e-mail]


Will Abson, Andy Burley, Matt Elton, Chris Keats, Ian Wise


Will Abson/Andy Burley/Matt Elton

Need your name adding here? [e-mail]

Articles from Jade Monkey (1998-2000) may contain uncredited content.

Any oversight will be corrected by e-mailing me at the usual address.


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