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Some people on some terrorism, and why packing up is hard to do. (That's terrible. I resign.) (No, you're fired - Ed)
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Apart from pointlessly coding this site? Find out here.
As you were, class.
Fully integrated forum, courtesy of EzBoard.com.
Recent topics - Full-scale posting war and edible shoelaces.
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A collection of articles written by your
humble author, 1998-2001. Some are old,
and some quite recent. Some are quite good.
Some less so.
Keep up-to-date with what everyone else
is doing, including Where Are They Now?,
Top Moments In History, and Embarrassing Photo Gallery(tm).
Updated weekly, this gives me a chance
to spread my diseased "creativity" across the net.
This week: It's Your Letters! No, really. It is.
Lots of other people have funky websites, ways
of getting in touch with them, etc. This acts as
Community Central, if you will.
Who I am, who wrote this site, how
you can get in touch with me, should you
really want to.