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>> Latest forum news:

Some people on some terrorism, and why packing up is hard to do. (That's terrible. I resign.) (No, you're fired - Ed)

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You really wanna know what I've been up to?

Apart from pointlessly coding this site? Find out here.

As you were, class.

.discussion board

Fully integrated forum, courtesy of EzBoard.com.

Recent topics - Full-scale posting war and edible shoelaces.

Catch up with the best of the forum here


A collection of articles written by your

humble author, 1998-2001. Some are old,

and some quite recent. Some are quite good.

Some less so.


Keep up-to-date with what everyone else

is doing, including Where Are They Now?,

Top Moments In History, and Embarrassing Photo Gallery(tm).


Updated weekly, this gives me a chance

to spread my diseased "creativity" across the net.

This week: It's Your Letters! No, really. It is.


Lots of other people have funky websites, ways

of getting in touch with them, etc. This acts as

Community Central, if you will.


Who I am, who wrote this site, how

you can get in touch with me, should you

really want to.