.webdiary Online babblings sick men/Updated almost entirely at random/last update 031001

.update: 031001

Welcome. Do not adjust your set. I now control the horizontal and the vertical. And quite possibly the imaginary, too. As you may have noticed, this site has not been updated in quite some time and Matt has employed me to remedy this situation. So here goes...

This week, you should be aware, is a very bad week for me to try and write a diary about. For, you see, nothing whatsoever of any interest to anyone has happened in the slightest. The weather is completely unremarkable, neither hot nor cold, clear nor cloudy, and everything kinds of blends in. It's all really quite depressing. On the other hand, what's even more depressing is writing personal statements, which I have now done! rah! So far it contains no outright lies, but quite a few exagerations of the truth. Which, I suppose, are effectively lies. But they are lies that make people happy and benefit all, and in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer, of course, is no. Anyway, the important thing is that it's done, it's a work of literary genius, and it makes me sound like some kind of omniscient being. Fantastic.

In other news, in case anyone has been living under a rock, on mars, with their fingers in their ears, most of the worlds most powerful nations are gearing up for a war against 'No One Quite Knows Who', in a campaign that will 'Go On Until It Is Finished' and will start 'At Some Point'. Nothing else in the news has compared to the WTC bombing, and we haven't even had any political scandals or heard anything from Ian Duncan Hague. Let the good times roll.

Anyway, i must now leave you, and try to put something else onto the site. It's very scary, and i don't want to break it. Urk.

B'bye. Wrap up warm. Don't let the bed bugs bite. etc etc

Your humble dictator, Ian.

Website of choice: www.theonion.com for their particularly good articles about the WTC bombing.

Book of choice: East of Ealing, Robert Rankin; The Dictionary of Insulting Quotations, e.g "Sir, if i were your wife, i would put poison in your tea", "Madam, if i were your husband, i would drink it". Classic.

Bad film of the week: Lake Placid. Features a dizzy woman scientist who falls over/out of things no less than 5 times in the movie, and such classic lines as "I keep getting decapitated heads thrown at me", "gurgle... flg... pghghssshhas... splutter" and (my personal favourite) "It's mooing!".


.update: 200901

Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you...

Yes, I can't quite believe it, but it is the end of what has been, quite possibly, the Longest Holiday in Existence. All one thousand days of it. Since the start of July I have been ensconced in my West Country retreat, musing, reflecting, but mostly editing the website. You can read more about my travails here, or you can stay with me for a bit longer whilst I ramble, magically, under the stars.

I've had a great time, and I hope that's shown through the site. We've (yes, we've - and more on this later) updated as much as humanly possible, and roped in as many of you good people as possible. So a big offical thankyou, here, to the following good, good people who've put loads back in: Ian, Chris, Andy and Dan for their fantastic articles; Marc, Nick, Seldo, Fin and the Wills Abson and Hancock for making the forum a great place to be, but on the Internet; and the countless people in Real Life who've ensured I've had such a fantastic time. Really, I love you all.

As for the "we" - this is a big word-up (bless you) to Ian for all his contributions over the last billion weeks. He'll probably either shake his head bemusedly or brush off this with a big "I didn't really know what I was doing", but really, thankyou. It's been fantastic. I'll mail you stuff as much as possible from Non-Computer-And-Internet Land, so hopefully updating won't cease for good. And you must come up and see me, see us - I'm sure Dan and Andy would love to meet you in Real Life. But trust me, they're just as scary.

And on the subject of updating: we hope that the site will now continue to be updated, in larger chunks, every weekend. We can't guarantee this - I can't say what the situation's gonna be in my new house in Coventry, and obviously Ian's input depends upon his workload - but fingers crossed, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays should be a bonanza time to visit alpen.freewebspace.com. I hope you'll continue to visit, if just for the forum, which continues to go from strength to (relative) strength.

There's also exciting plans ahead. Will (Abson) and I have plans to develop some other areas of this internet business, including the possibility of further integration and stuff like that. Watch this space, really: and your letterbox. I'll say no more.

Apart from this: take care, won't you? Keep in touch and, wherever you are, I'll see you real soon. Call back to the site and forum, as I've already said countless times: it'll hopefully act as Communication Central for everyone who's been around over the holidays. That's one of the spurious reasons I set it up in the first place. But I promise to see you soon in the Real World, and remember: wherever you are, I'll be thinking of you. In between wondering what I had for lunch and debating what CD I should buy next.

Guys, if I carry on I'm gonna get all emotional. This has been quite the longest webdiary update in history, so I'll stop now.

It's been fun. This is Matt, signing off.


Current CDs of choice: The Verve, Urban Hymns. Number 10 album of the last 15 years, apparently.

Current amusing prank of the week: Can't tell you. But it's certainly very amusing.

Website of choice: www.theweekly.co.uk, with its amusing penchant for Victoriana.

Birthday of the week: Dom Peters'. Happy Birthday, Dom.


.update: 190901

Rah. I have finally regained control over our wayward computer - head over to the forum for the complete story, hombre - and, Ian having kindly provided me with yet /another/ disc with Dreamweaver on it, editing can begin again in earnest. For about a day. (I go back to uni this Friday, where computer resources will be, at best, uncertain, so watch this space).

Anyway, it's gonna have to be quite a quick one today, as there's about a billion other things I need to pack, and my contacts are hurting for using them on the computer (not literally, funny fans), and David Attenborough's on the TV later with some sorts of deep-sea fish. Oh, my aching sides.

Anyway, love in a cold climate,


Current CDs of choice: Julee Cruise, Floating into the Night; The Verve, Urban Hymns. Yes, I finally moved onto something else.

Current amusing prank of the week: Can't tell you. But it's certainly very amusing.

Website of choice: www.worldofstuart, because I haven't plugged it enough.

Birthday of the week: Will Abson's. And yes, we decided that weeks start with Sundays, so it does belong in this week. So nyah.


.update: 140901

Sorry for the gap in posting (again). I've been cleaning out a deep-fat fryer. No, really I have. That's not the reason why I've not been posting, I just thought you might like to know about it.

Er, I posted that last weblog update on Tuesday afternoon, before what Seldo is already christening "the end of the world as we know it" occurred. So obviously I'd like to post some sort of insightful new perspective on the whole thing but, really, everything that needs to be said has been said a million times. It's just all a big mess, isn't it?

So, yeh, I've finished my job now. It all got a bit messy by the end - deep fat fryers and hot chip oil not being the best of bedfellows, either literally (ugh) or metaphysically. So the /real/ reason why none of the stuff that was promised - y'know, website updates, new features, e-mails to your inbox, that kinda thing - is simply that I've been really tired. But I'm back once again like the renegade master (where did that come from? I don't know) so expect all that within the next two hours. Christ, I've been up since 8am.

Just to finish, a few Messages: hi to Tony, who just checked his e-mail; Happy Birthday to Seldo for tomorrow, you old man you; and lots of thoughts to all the people in a towerblock on the other side of the world, thoughts which aren't going to help anything, but are there nonetheless.


Current CDs of choice: Bjork, Vespertine and Radiohead, Kid A. Glacial, swooning loveliness, the both of you. What?

Food I'm never going to eat again after this week: Chips, ugh. And liver curry, ugh. But then that was always ugh anyway.

Birthday of the week: Mr Seldo Voss'. Happy Birthday.


.update: 110901

Bitchin' in the kitchen? Nah, not me. I just make the sandwiches.

Actually, new job is okay, but quite tiring even if it is only for four hours a day. You can't believe how much I want to sock some customers in the face for asking where the chips are, or demanding more beef stew, or making me put the plates on their outstretched tray because, y'know, they might be hot, when obviously they /are/ hot because, look, there's smoke coming out my little finger.

Anyway. Being teaboy/waiter/guy who makes the sandwiches isn't too bad for (four days at four hours a day) = £72. But it has put me in a curious half-tired state, which has led to some very interesting thought trains:

.You're right. Not many of the visitors to this site are female. I've checked, and there are a least three discreet entries by a woman (god, that sounded perverse).

.This is gonna sound dumb however I put it, so here goes: I'm either going to be alive after you're dead, or you're gonna be alive after I am. Hmm. See, that did sound stupid, but you know what I mean. I was thinking this after I taught my last piano lesson to Will, who's eleven: chances are he'll go on to do great stuff after I no longer have the chance to. Curses.

.I really want to do some great stuff before I'm dead. /Not/ like working in a canteen for thirty years.

Anyhap: I'm not always this scary. Remember: if anyone wants to write any more cool stuff for this site, really please do, really. It's all far better than I could do. Also, can anyone suggest a really excellent 100th album for me to buy? If you can, I might take you up on it...



Website of Choice: Still www.theweekly.co.uk. Lots of links off it to other fantastic sites, too.

Current CDs of choice: Bjork, Vespertine and Radiohead, Kid A. I only like Kid A now, a year later. Bizarre.

Appeal of the week: Is still: Where is Issue 102 of Edge?

Job of the week: Mine. Good thing or bad thing? Check back later... ;)


.update: 090901

Stop don't panic. Webdiary returns as usual, despite the literal non-apperance of the 7th's entry. Cursed web-goblins.

This weekend, you will be delighted to learn, I have divided my house into two sections: the Upstairs and the Downstairs. Whilst the Downstairs section relaxs to the homely sounds of Bjork's new album, Upstairs partays along to the funky beats of Jamiroquai's offering. I can't wait till I get a house of my own. Oh, wait...Dom and Anders are gonna /love/ me, aren't they?

Interestingly, I have also compiled a league table of how much you guys have been frenziedly posting on the forum. This was for no particular reason at all, but it does show how many messages everyone's left on the forum, which is coming up close to 800 total messages. It's all terribly exciting, and the final tally looks something like this:

1. Dan Park 269
2. Ian Wise 234
3. Andy Burley 137
4. Will Hancock 95
5. Matt Elton 79
6. Marc Cantwell 10
7. Chris Levy 09
8. Seldo Voss 08
9. Nick Wilson 04
10. Will Abson 03
11. Gareth Rees 02
12. Mr Horrible 00

So Dan wins by quite a margin. Congratulations! You would win a prize, but we've already established I don't have any at the moment. Still, eh? You do earn our everlasting respect and awe. (Incidentally, I'm quite ashamed to come fifth on my own forum). This league also raises another pressing issue: just who is Mr Horrible? I don't know, cos his profile tells me nothing, and he's posted no times at all. If anyone knows, let me know, won't you?

Finally, hanging on the wall next to me is our Bob the Builder 2001 Calendar. On it, Saturday 22nd September is marked with "A Busy Day" sticker. This is because that is the day I am returning to university. Mark it on your calendars. I'm looking forward to it all terribly.



Website of Choice: Still www.theweekly.co.uk. Lots of links off it to other fantastic sites, too.

Current CDs of choice: Bjork, Vespertine and Jamiroquai, A Funk Odyessy. Fantastic.

Appeal of the week: Where is Issue 102 of Edge?

Job of the week: Mine.


.previous updates /In case you missed out by - oh yes! - having a Real Life.


100801 Hello and welcome...
110801 Special Update: new e-mail address
140801 Butterflies and Beavers
150801 Special Update: My Muse Is An Icelolly
190801 Has Anyone Seen Becky Tymko?
240801 Ian: Reader Polls, and Reading
250801 Matt: Hello, pantomime fans!
270801 ...and thanks for all the fish
040901 Holiday Special!
060901 Everything Is Lovely.

.update: 060901

Oh, I love everything. I've had a surprisingly lovely couple of days: not only have I just secured myself a job for the next four days (Monday to Thursday next week, four hours a day, free food, £72, ch-ching! Thankyou) but I'm going shopping tomorrow. Can things /get/ much better? Yes, they can. It's not long now until we all go back to university - hurrah! - and although our rather ambitious plans to go to London this weekend have sadly come to nothing, it's only made me want to see everyone even more. Ooh, you guys. I'm welling up just thinking about it.

Must go on though: the website continues to flourish like a little shrub thing, what with new features being added every day. I'm gonna have to find a better way to catalogue them all, though, as at the moment the Articles and Features sections are just acting like big archives of all random stuff, especially the Features bit. Does anyone actually ever go to that section? Does anyone have a better idea of how I can arrange it? Drop answers to my lovely e-mail address, or let me know on the forum (speaking of which, incidentally: a new Top Ten of the Forum should be posted by tomorrow evening).

Only bad things: weird salty taste around my mouth indicates a drop in blood pressure (again), meaning I may fall over any time soon; and, also, I'm going on a mad CD shopping spree tomorrow, resulting in very little money for me. Oh well. It's not as if I need to buy new shoes and birthday presents and stuff like that, is it?


matt :)

Website of Choice: www.theweekly.co.uk. I know I keep plugging it but, really, it's for a very good reason.

Current CD of choice: Feeder, Polythene

Book of choice: Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book (again), Bill Watterson

Videogame of choice: Worms World Party, or whatever that random demo on my desktop's called.


.update: 040901 holiday special!

Rah! We're back (back! BACK!) from France, and a splendid time was had by all. The best bits were visiting the big American war graveyard you see in all the films, which was genuinely moving and scary, and the Bayeux Tapestry. Also: late-night word association; incredible amounts of food consumption; poker-faced card games; and generally living in a French farmhouse several hectares in surface area. (There were six toilets, and if you tried to reach any other given person in the house, they'd have moved before you reached them).

Expect a postcard if we sent you one (Dan and Andy, this means you). We had a great time, and expect some sort of comprehensive What We Did On Our Holidays-type report sooner rather than later. Hope you had a good week, and that you're all well.

Ian is well too, natch, but back at school now. Sob. He'll be keeping slightly earlier hours than before, but with him it'd be hard to get much later.

Flibble flibble: website updates to look out for are daily weblog entries, a feature on the Top 25 Annoying Things Of All Time and, later, a brand new Penny Forum contest and some more features to look forward to. Major updates will come later in the week, including all the poetry I discovered on holiday, and something Ian's working on in a darkened room like the mad scientist he is. Hmm.

Til tomorrow, good luck with those deadlines.


Current CD of choice: Ed Harcourt, Here Be Monsters

Book of choice: The English, Jeremy Paxman

Videogame of choice: Tron

Website of Choice: coupland.com. Visit it at once. It's really really good.


.update: 270801

"And now, the end is near, as I face, the - "

Shut up, indeed.

Anyway, you'll doubtless be pleased to hear that, from today onwards, the good ship alpen.freewebspace.com (still can't get over what a catchy name that is) will be floating aimless, moorless even, in the great sea of Internet. Yes: in less prosaic terms, me and Ian are orf on holiday. Hurrah! For the next week your kindly benevolent caretakers very much intend to stuff themselves full of cake, drink lots of fizzy pop, and possibly build a minigolf course in the garden.

However, since the Corporation (with their sinister Agents, dressed in black and making telephone threats) are paying for this break, ideas for the development of this website must also be formulated. We shall therefore sit, hunched over a little wooden table, thinking up fantastic features and "things" to instigate upon our return. You will be aware that, since Ian is not yet unemployed, he has school to go to early on in September. Never mind: he can still continue to update from there, whilst I sit watching Fifteen to One and thinking up really good ideas that later turn out to be complete nonsense. How like life, eh?

Anyway. We shall send you postcards - due to popular demand, natch, although don't expect them for several macro-weeks - and be thinking of you the whole time. Especially anyone who's working, or has to start work, or isn't on a lovely French jaunt in some crumbling farmhouse for "rest and relaxation" purposes. Smug mode off.

Take care of each other, but on the Internet. Enjoy each other. Don't talk about science fiction too much. The only good science fiction is dead science fiction, especially the pictures. Love,


Current CDs of choice: Bjork, Vespertine; OK Computer, Radiohead; Hotshots II, The Beta Band. Ian's going to love my music for the next week!!

Book of choice: Trigger Happy, Stephen Poole.

Videogame of choice: Original Doom. Blam! Imp. Blam Blam! Cacodemon. Aargh! Unexpected Baron of Hell!

TV of choice: The Crystal Maze. Hur hur, Richard O'Brien.

Weapon of choice: That was a poor song, wasn't it? (Fired! - Ed)


.update: 250801

Matt: Hallo, pantomime fans! Yes, it is I, the bumblingly online alter-ego of someone who happens to be something to do with this website malarkey. Unexpectedly, and unbeknownst to Ian, I have returned a day early from Reading, only to pop villianesquely through a trapdoor in the floor and pounce courageously upon his head. Rah! No longer shalt you have to be subjects to his dire reign of tyranny (except for, I might decide he can stay in my chair a bit longer, whilst I file my eyebrows, or somesuch). Anyway. You'll be pretending to know what I've been doing, won't you?

"Tsk. Children today." - The Prince of Wales

Well, I went to Reading as promised. And it was jolly fine. We saw some funtastic bands - names such as Travis, Ash, PJ Harvey et al should duly be inserted into this bit of the sentence - and also failed to get miserably crushed against some sort of iron railing. Although we did have a near miss with a seventy foot man during Green Day's "set". Also, as you may have noticed if you lived in Reading that day, it was rather hot. I return to you, dear readers, looking rather like a cross between a shrimp and something not entirely dissimilar to another shrimp. However, I had my hair cut this morning so that does help me look a bit less like a shrimp. Hurrah, eh?

Anyway, my plan for the next two days across this mumbling website is to write as confusingly as possible. I had a good time at Reading. I hope you are having a lovely weekend.



(And also Ian the Rather Nice And Not At All Despotic, who is quite possibly on some sort of land-gathering exercise at the minute.) :)


.update: 240801

Ian: Hello there everyone. As some of you may already know, Matt has been summoned to Reading to have fun and get crushed, leaving me to manage this humble little site. Urk. I will tell you now that I have absolutely no experience whatsoever with this program, and have never run a website before. So if you could keep the complaints, queries and general lewdness to a minimum then it would be much appreciated. If you must harass me, then do so at blokey35@hotmail.com.

This week I have been mostly doing sod all. My brother is home from his alter-ego life as a cash siphon in Singapore, and has been spending much of his time using up to four computers at once and downloading 80mb files. This is the main reason for my continued absence from late night posting wars. Damn and blast.

Also, I have been trying to add a reader poll onto the site, and i'm not happy. Not only will freewebspace.com insist on putting a stupid ad at the top of the window, but it won't work in netscape and there are a number of other issues that I won't go into because they're unbelievably dull. And you'll also find some great articles written by my good friend, Mr Chris Keates. These are general tyrades against life, the universe and Ainsley Harriot. Enjoy.

Book of choice: The Brentford Triangle, Robert Rankin

Videogame of choice: Tron, with 4 people crowded around one PC and no cheating or underhand tactics involved at all; The Typing of the Dead, which Matt is annoyingly good at, despite the considerable distractions of comedy dancing zombies and quite possibly the worst dialogue of any game, book or film. Ever.

Favourite online distraction: www.electrotank.com/lab/miniGolf.html ; Minigolf! With cute little bubble people who are always smiling! And cheesy music! Fantastic.


.update: 190801

Greetings. Apologies for not updating yesterday, Went To Bristol. Help, am turning into male 20-something CD-purchaser/lifestyle-mag reader/arty-cafe frequenter. This, evidently, was going to happen sooner or later, but the fact that I've seen the same person in the local arty CD shop on several separate occasions, both entirely by coincidence, worries me. Hmm. So am staying at home all day today, to save money. And update the website. Yes.

Also met oldy-friend Ross on the bus back from Bristol. Have not seen him for ages - me being in an entirely different county, and that - but it appears he's going to Reading too. Hurrah. Will have fun time listening to brilliant bands and getting squashed against railings and seeing everybody I've not seen for ages. Only downside is that I'll probably come back with about ninety new CDs I want to buy. Hmm. Spot pattern emerging there.

Oh yes. If anyone has seen Becky Tymko in the past three months, or in fact if anyone /is/ Becky Tymko, then can you get in touch? I'm missing her, what with Reading festival coming up/being gone for about six months to possibly the world's most war-torn country. That's Israel, natch, rather than Luxembourg. But anyway. And also have been listening to Bjork, which for some random, possibly Zen-like reason, always reminds me of this sort of thing. Bjork's never played Reading, has she? No.

Anyway, in more tangible spheres, welcome back Mr Andy from his shore leave at home. I expect he's delighted to return to find his work still waiting for him, and the myriad changes this website has had happen to it over the past week. Well, there's been some changes there, anyway. Right. Must get on and do something constructive, like reading Q, or killing that spiderdemon in Doom. Fnurg.

Current CDs of choice: The Bends, Radiohead (still); the free CD of Bjork my father nicely got by buying the Times yesterday. Rah.

Book of choice: The Edge of Reason, Helen Fielding.

Videogame of choice: Doom 2. Imp. Blam! Imp. Blam! Imp. Blam! Aargh! Spiderdemon! Anyway.


.special update: 150801

Hello, again. Just a little word to apologise for not updating yesterday - I was visiting my muse. However, unlike such brilliant poets as James Joyce and Edward Lear, this for me involves lying on my stomach, reading back copies of magazines and eating Soleros. However, I've done all the stuff I was too slack to do yesterday today, if you see what I mean: added an absolutely fantastic rant by Ian about chain letters; swapped the news page with a whole section dedicated to your feedback, and added this weblog entry. So far so good. Do let me know if none of it works, won't you? Lovely people.


.update: 140801

It's a lovely day. I really should be outside - pretty blue butterflies are fluttering around, and I've got my perma-tan to work on. But no, I'm inside, beavering away at this site like a, a - (beaver? - Ed). Yes. Why? Because today is Tuesday, and I promised myself I'd update regularly, every Tuesday and Friday. So I am. Erk.

Site news first. Well, the next person to visit the site - me, probably - will have the debatable honour of pushing the hit counters little whirring feet up to the 400 mark. That's about 140 visitors this week, which if you divide by four (between me, Ian, Andy and Dan) is about 35 visits each. Fantastic. Thanks to you lovely people. Particularly where the forum's concerned. I've read all your posts, and sorted them out with my InterNet Duster Of Cleaning. They're very funny. Hurrah.

Real world news: just remembered the other day I'm going to the Reading Festival next weekend. Oops. A brace of amusing bands to see, and all in the same weekend as Andy's going to see Atomic Kitten. Maybe we could review them, hilariously, and draw comparisons. Or maybe not. (Talking of Andy, this site will be without his fluffy presence for the rest of the week, because he's gone home. And I thought he /lived/ in his room at Warwick).

So, a summary: website being updated today; forum v. funny, visit more; I have a new e-mail address (it's mattelton@hotmail.com); and I love you all.

B'bye now.

Current CDs of choice: The Bends, Radiohead; Vanguard, Finley Quaye; Side, Travis.

TV of choice: Late-night Family Fortunes and Dangermouse repeats. No, really.

Website of the moment: Still Will's. Although I refuse to get drawn into any bitchiness any more. I always come off worse.


.special update: 110801

Just thought I'd pop my head through the MetaPhorical Jangling Bead-Curtain of my website to let you know that, from today forth, I have an exciting new e-mail address: mattelton@hotmail.com. This means that I should be able to receive your e-mails no problem, and possibly even respond to them (although don't expect coherent sentences just yet). This therefore means that all the e-mail links on the site will send messages to my old address. This isn't a problem, as I won't be closing that account down, but it does mean that I'll eventually have to go round and change them all. So for the time being two options are open to you: click on the e-mail links around this site and I'll get back to you slower, or remember mattelton@hotmail.com and I'll reply as quick as quite a slow flash. Also, I'll put a working link at the end of this message when it eventually ends, so you can use that if you want.

That's it. That's all I wanted to say really, as well as: thanks v. v. much to Andy and Ian for being the most stalwart supporters of this site in the world ever. Not only have you guys (aw, you /guys/...) joined the forum, but your daily checks of the site are heartwarming. I love you all. Yes, really I do. Mwah, dahling.

And that's enough of that.

[E-mail me at my new address!]


.update: 100801

Good morning. Or, alternatively, afternoon. Hope you like the new direction: I had a week to spare so, rather than shuffle around the house looking lost, I decided to be all creative and update the website. Content-wise, it's pretty much the same as before, just with some of the rubbish stuff weeded out and some new bits added. Style-wise, I've got rid of the yellow, imported some interesting new fonts and chosen blue. So blue is, indeed, this season's yellow, although it's doubtful whether that'll be the hot phrase on the lips of London's glitterati.

Technically speaking, these changes were inspired by me "being provided with" the full version of Dreamweaver 4.0, which has given me more time - a week, to be exact - to mess around with some of the stylistic features of the program. I'm still pretty much using it as a WYSIWYG editor, refusing on principle to sink to the depths of actually coding something. But it does look a bit more nice now, even if it is still quite - how you say? - spartan...

Those of you who've been following my exciting E-Mail Diaries (not tm at all) will know that I've been doing very little with my life in recent weeks, save for an exciting physical job I got for a week through my temp agency. The idea of me carting boxes of paper and industrial supplies around a warehouse is hard enough to picture, but since the week ended with me building a set of shelves using metal struts and sheets of plywood, it's probably best to start with that one and then work up. Sadly, that exciting test of my physical and masculine abilities ended involuntarily, and it's now back to website authoring/cd purchasing/being a general slacker. Extra impetus is provided in my effort due to the fact that the rest of my nuclear family is off jet-setting in sunny Corsica, leaving me to do the washing/cooking/TV watching. Never before have I seen so many part-episodes of the original Star Trek series.

Tradition dictates I end with some random recommendations and shout-outs, so here goes: hello to Graeme and Holly in Singapore; thanks so much to Dale and Kim for visiting me last weekend; and, finally, good luck to Uncle Andy with his disertation, which I'm sure is going at an amazing rate, distractions aside...

That's all for me for the moment, apart from this...

Current CDs of choice: Hooverphonic, The Magnificent Tree; Hotshots 2, The Beta Band; Rings Around the World, Super Furry Animals.

TV of choice: The original series of Star Trek - for comedy value alone.

Website of the moment: www.wabson.org.uk. Ignore the photos of me. The contest for most amusing caption is on...