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Last updated on Saturday, September 15th. Updated weekly.



Atomic Kitten: Good Or Evil? A nation turns away. //ME


Alpen.TV My life, in a Radio Times-stylee. //ME


Complete CD List An A-Z of all the albums I own, because I'm anal. //ME




The Intense Humming of Evil: A helpful user guide to identifying whether your

neighbours are in league with the devil. //ME


Top 25 Irritating Things In The World...Ever: The ultimate culmination of all those "Bad Things"

articles, a comprehensive list of the 25 most annoying things, period. //ME


Horoscopes Part 1: First in a weekly series contacting the astral plane to

reveal your - yes, your - stars. //ME




Reader Poll: Quite possibly the greatest study into the human psyche ever carried out. Have

your say in a variety of topical, entirely relevant and well thought-out issues. //IW




University Angst: Clearly, going to university is one of the best things in the world, ever

(apart from owning a CD shop, natch). Why, then, is it such hard work getting

there in the first place? And what are personal statements all about?

Our man Ian investigates, probingly. //IW




I Do Not Like Chain Letters: What could Mr Ian Wise possibly have against chain letters?

And why would he want to cut off the fingers of the people who send them?

Find out here. //IW


White Noise: Reader feedback to last week's website-based onslaught, happily

compiled and edited by your loyal site editor. Some of it is made up. //ME


Best Of The Forum: With the forum burgeoning like a particularly over-ripe plum,

or maybe a dahlia, I thought some sort of site-based acknowledgement was in order.

Best poster to win a prize, kids! //ME




The Lost Episodes: find out what the creators of Dawson's Creek,

Friends and Star Trek didn't want you - yes you - to see. //ME


This Is The News: the final ever installment of our spoof

news pages, brought to you from the bed of a very

ill person. Entry is free. //ME


//Contributors: ME - Matt Elton IW - Ian Wise