
Last updated on Friday, August 24 2001. Contributions welcome: submit them to the usual address.

Most Recent Updates:

Evil! Shopkeepers! //DP - Posted 240801 / Grrr! Universe! //CK - Posted 240801 / Jealosy!:Style //CK - Posted 240801 / Tirade!: Cookery //CK - Posted 240801


.General whining

It's always good, sometimes, to go all gothic and moody. Therefore, under

this subheading, spleens will be vented at a series of topics. But since

I tend to moan about the same sort of things - all the time - other

people will pop up to provide their moaning. So rah!

Evil! Shopkeepers! //DP

Grrr! Universe! //CK

Jealosy!:Style //CK

Tirade!: Cookery //CK

Tremble!: University Angst //IW

Rant!: Chain Letters //IW

Angst!: British TV //ME

Bile!: Britishness //ME



I love music, and want to have its children. Okay, not really

that last bit (could be quite unpleasant, arf) but it is one

of the best things in the world. So here's a big old section about

it, all on its own.

Why Music Is Possibly The Most Fantastic Thing In Existence //ME



.arty philosophy stuff

Humorous running debates about the meaning of our futile

little lives are something of a feature at home. Here are some.

Of them, but in an Internet-stylee.

Top Moments In History //ME

50 Reasons To Be Glad To Be Alive //ME

Religion vs. Science: the Answer! Sort of. //ME

Life and How To Live It //ME




For some reason, the media is one of the subjects I've written most stuff

about, which is a little post-modern of me. What gives, indeed?

Why British TV is rubbish //ME

Why Watching TV Will Not Make You Violent //ME




All articles on these pages © 1998-2001 matt elton unless otherwise stated. Some are reproduced, in full or in part, from Jade Monkey. Read more.

Contributors: IW - Ian Wise, CK - Chris Keates, DP - Daniel Park