Snow White and the Gaggle Dwarves © The Design School. Matt Elton 2002. Pictures taken from the Walter Disney film of a similar name. Of course we didn't ask. Uncle Walt would be spinning his grave, if he hadn't had his head removed and cryogenically frozen. The twat.
/Snow White and the Gaggle Dwarves
Imagine how creepily similar the scenario is. Seven or so young(ish) men, collected around a single female figurehead, she providing advice and chocolate. Wearing questionable clothing and in many cases of rather below-average height, these odd characters line up at the end of Snow White's bed to hear what she has to say. Her tale is a strange one: stumbling across this backwater retreat, she became the centre of these little people's lives. Meet, then, Snow White and the Gaggle Dwarves. (Matt, what version did you read? - Ed).
Meet, via poor-quality picture, the Gaggle Dwarves:
01 Kimberley Tate is Snow White. Obviously. We quite like the way she appears to have enormous upper arm strength in this picture.
02 Seldo Voss is Camp Dwarf. Notice the way his eyes are rolled theatrically at the ceiling, and his purple hat.
03 Andrew Burley is Elderly Dwarf. His hat pulled low to cover his greying locks, Andy the Elderly Dwarf also wears the expression of somone - (you /cannot/ say that, unless you want to remove this site permanently - Ed).
04 Matthew Elton is Slacker Dwarf. We don't know if this number is actually Lazy in the picture, but it definitely has Matt's eyebrows.
05 James Foster is Scary Dwarf. Notice the scaaaary black eyebrows, and the way he's next to Will.
06 William Abson is Hungry Dwarf . Modelling the usual glasses and sensible hat (eh? - Ed) Will wonders where Mary's gone in this picture, before stealing all of your chicken goujons whilst you weren't paying attention.
07 Danny Beusch is Recluse Dwarf. Scared in this picture by the prospect of being with so many people, Danny soon retired back to his hermit haunt, determined never to leave indoors for another thirty years.
08 Anthony Martinez is Drunkard the Dwarf. Spot the usual droopy eyes and big red hooter - also look at the way he's clinging to the nearest available object for support.