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A collection of articles, basically, handwritten in their best English using a computer by, among others, matt and ian. The layout of them is a bit random, we're afraid, but that's because some of them were made before this present re-design and because we like playing around with stuff. Just deal with it, okay? Erm.Anyway, read on. Most recent updates at the top. Rest in alphabetical order for ease of finding ones beginning with "J". Read about the contributors here.




Some people think that the world is all lovely and happy smiles. Some people still believe in fairies. There are lots of opinions about what is right and what is wrong, but fortunately ours is the correct one. Therefore find in this section a complete guide to everything that is Rubbish in the world, especially Hanson.

Most recent addition: The Top 25 Most Irritating Things In The World...Ever!

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random articles

You know the ones. All the spurious "comedy" bits that matt and ian, among others, kick up when they're most bored. So here you can find: Matt's life in the form of a TV schedule; Ian's guide to unexpected AA Gill attacks; how to spot if your neighbours are undead, and generally more stuff like that. Torquemada!

Most recent addition: The Intense Humming of Evil




In direct contrast to the last category, sometimes we try to write about things seriously. Y'know, like criticism and stuff. So here, amongst other things, you can find: matt on why music is important. Why videogames are not, and should never try to be, art. And, of course most importantly, Andy and Dan on the great debate gripping the music world: are Atomic Kitten hot, or not?

Most recent addition: Atomic Kitten: La Verdicte Finale



most recent

Come here to find the things we've added in the last week. Obviously, this section will be updated WEEKLY (so no frantic clicking on this button every other minute) and the designated day for these updates to occur is Friday, because we say so. There aren't any updates at the minute, cos we're lazy, so call back later, there's a love

Updated with every new entry